Days Of Funder started with a YouTube channel that focussed in on predominantly simulation gaming news and content. It was an exciting period of my life where I learnt a lot about gaming and what people enjoyed about it. I covered everything from DCS World to Thief Simulator - but the real interest for me behind it all was the immersive worlds and experiences inside these games. My most successful videos were also the ones I was most passionate about and these revolved around simulated highly realistic environments.
Using tools like After Effects I was able to create highly complex video content that bordered on the edge of 3D but was still effectively 2D content.
Early in 2019 I set out to create a Virtualized Night Club intended for VR audiences. This was very well received but was largely reliant on a platform called VRChat and some of the YouTubers who built content/worlds for that platform helping me to create this virtual club.
I tried to seek out support from these people to help me build this world but didn't receive it, so decided I would just figure it out myself - downloaded Unity and started building this club. Within 1 month I had built a virtual club and I was so blown away by how quickly I had translated my talents into the 3D space I parked the night club project and gave myself the green light to focus on a more serious standalone 3D game.
A further month in and the basic structure for an open world game with inspiration from games like SKYRIM had started to take serious shape. I mapped out a story what was needed to complete the game and rapidly started making progress.
The game was a serious endeavor though, and I came to realise that given my limited timespan available it may be best to release a more fun orientated somewhat stripped back version of the game in the interim. This is how Zombies and scene based games managed to hijack what was actually a very serious and massive scale of the original idea. But a revelation occured - what I learnt from this step was how important gameplay was, how important FUN was inside a game. How excitement and performance can be amplified by concentrating the gameplay into a tight environment. This is where DEAD FURY as a game started to take on it's own life. (ironic given it's name...)
I studied the leading games from the genre both past and present, games such as DayZ, Days Gone and World War Z. I watched thousands of hours of gameplay walkthroughs studying the players and what they liked and disliked about the games. How the horde mechanics worked and where they failed to impress.
I also selected base assets that were able to provide a strong foundation for the game and would like to thank EmeraldAI and Invector for their support and collaboration to make this a reality.
The result is a game that is simple but effective. One that focuses the player into tight skirmishes with tense battles and intense gunfighting.
There's little mucking around and it gets straight to the action with aggressive weapons such as LMG's and RPGS, but the player has the ability to snoop or sneak around sniping off enemies from afar using stealth as a weapon.
In summary Days Of Funder has focussed all its energy into learning about and subsequently creating gaming culture and content - and it's goal will always be the same: ENJOY IMMERSIVE GAMING.